Wednesday, July 18, 2012

My New Painting,titled: 'Torridity of Terrorist Attacks'


Set free the caged dreams and ambitions, let it swing freely alongside with inspiration into the freeborn kingdom of stardom. But this is frighteningly difficult, because the free will that freely stimulates the free world of the freethinker, rich, poor, arrogant and elephant minded humans, has out-weighted the stimulus of human free ideology, to freely understand, conceive knowledge, and regulate in times of freezing stress. This has freely transformed most humans into free-floating educated duckling, living as freelance hustlers, in an untitled free world, Where the wise: freely fish less, but catch more, freely hustle less, but gather more, freely talk less, but solve more, freely take less, but give more, freely run less, but arrival fast While the fool: freely eat with the longest spoon, but still stave of starvation, freely move with the wisest idea, but still sink, freely hustle more, but tumble fast, freely run and act fast, but shun fast, freely have the most stardom, but still lack absolute freedom. Freeing Freedom, Is freely achieved, by nesting patience, control, and not aggressively wrestling life; But by having the tendency to bullying struggle, and make it dropout of college. Freeing freedom, Is freely achieved, by adding more strength in developing intellectual power, free-living, and free acceptance of who you really are, rather than that of anger, rage and free falling into discontent possession. Freeing freedom, Is freely achieved, by forever caging doubt, and letting inspiration freel-for-all like free vote, and also let love run innocently barefooted into the gates of Bill Gates brain. _____________________________________________________________________________________ An atom of false thought, feeling, and repeatedly saying strangled speeches, at all times, bring well dressed up unbearable circumstances, and sparkle disarray on the unstained brighter future ahead.